Connecticut Digital Newspaper Project Blog

Waterbury Democrat Family

Waterbury Evening Democrat [LCCN: sn94053256], Waterbury Democrat [LCCN: 2016270502], Waterbury Evening Democrat [2016270503], Waterbury Democrat [sn93053725]   According to historical accounts, the Waterbury Democrat family of newspapers was founded in 1881 by an Irish...

The Fishing Season’s On

By Jane Cullinane This ad from more than a century ago in the New Haven Daily Morning Journal and Courier reminds me of my grandfather, who LOVED to go fishing.  At the time of...

New Haven Journal Courier Family

Morning Journal and Courier [LCCN: sn82015483] The Daily Morning Journal and Courier [LCCN: sn84020358] The Morning Journal-Courier [LCCN: sn92051397]   Founded in 1848, the Morning Journal and Courier was an important source of news...

March Madness 100 years ago

By Gail Hurley Growing up outside Springfield, MA, the site of the invention of the basketball by the physical education instructor Dr. James Naismith, we were taught at a young age about the history...