Connecticut Digital Newspaper Project Blog

Influenza Pandemic of 1918

2018 is the 100-year commemoration of the Influenza Pandemic of 1918. Matthew L. Cartter, MD, MPH, State Epidemiologist & Director of Infectious Diseases at the Connecticut Department of Public Health, presented a version of...

The Workmen’s Advocate

Workmen’s Advocate (New Haven, Conn.), 1883-1891 [LCCN:  sn90065027]   On September 8, 1883, the New Haven Connecticut Trades Council published, for the price of one cent, the first issue of the Workmen’s Advocate. Its...

Stafford Springs Press

LCCN:  sn84022401, Tolland County Press, Stafford Springs, Conn. (18??-1883) LCCN:  sn92051501, The Press, Stafford Springs, Conn. (1883-1935) The Stafford Springs Press proudly traced its lineage from the first paper published in Tolland County, Connecticut....

Connecticut Western News

LCCN: sn84027718, Connecticut Western News, Salisbury, Litchfield County, CT (1871-1970) All accounts of the birth of the Connecticut Western News note that its printing press arrived in the small Litchfield County town of Salisbury...

The Connecticut Craftsman

LCCN:  sn92051251, The Connecticut Craftsman, Hartford, Conn., 193?-193?   The Connecticut Craftsman was an 8-page monthly newspaper devoted to the interests of “Organized Labor.” Calling itself the “Official Organ of the Connecticut Federation of...